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Peace Lutheran Church
1900 E. Lincoln Highway
New Lenox, IL 60451


(815) 485-5327
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What We Believe



            God loves us and the whole creation.  That is the beginning and summary of what Lutherans share with most other Christians.  The God in which we believe is one who comes to us--seeking to have a relationship with us.  It is in Jesus, the Christ, that we see the extent of how committed God is to bringing people back into a close and loving relationship.  While no one can earn or even work his/her way to God, the Good News is that God bridges the gap.  Our privilege is to respond, and to respond with worship, thanksgiving, and lives that try to live out what God is creating in us.

             The tone of life then is one of gratitude.  We see the work of God all over the world.  We see it in our own lives.   No matter what our status or abilities, we see all good things to be gifts of God.  Even our ability to earn a living or raise a family or study or have friends--every good thing is a gift.

             Yet not everything is perfect.  In fact, there are signs every day that we ourselves and the world at large often have difficulty knowing or following God's will.  It is difficult to give ourselves in love when the result is often pain or rejection or loss.  We do not live in a fairy tale world.  We need help dealing with the reality of life.  Lutherans have a strong history of relating the deep and important questions of our lives to our God-life.  Doubts and fears are not signs of lack of faith; rather they show how important and down-to-earth our faith must be.  To struggle with the reality of God's presence in an imperfect world is not a sign of weakness, but of an active faith.  We do not want a God who is removed from our lives.  We want a God who knows and even experiences with us the pain of existence, as well as the joy.  In Jesus we have seen how God is willing to enter into the best and worst that human life can bring.  And the fact that God is still reaching out to people through other people and through the Church, means that God’s commitment to this relationship has not stopped.

             Some people are interested in some of the more specific beliefs or teachings of the Lutheran Church.  Below are a few of those.  Questions or concerns about these brief descriptions are encouraged!  Let us know what they are: Contact us

 The Church

All people everywhere and of every time who believe in God.  The Holy Spirit calls people into fellowship in local gatherings of people to worship God and to be nurtured and strengthened for daily life.

 The Bible

Lutherans recognize differences in how to interpret Scripture.  It is neither a science book nor a history book, but a book of faith that speaks to the Truth, and witnesses to the drama of God's saving care for God’s creation from beginning to end.  The Bible helps to reveal the real Word of God, which is Jesus the Christ, who is the Word made flesh. 


Special means by which God has promised to be present in physical ways.  They are gifts of God, not something we earn.  Because they are for our benefit, they are not magic.  Our receiving them in faith helps us see up close what we sometimes think of as the "far-away" God.  Lutherans have chosen to recognize the Lord's Supper and Baptism as two sacraments.


This establishes a relationship and creates a new life within us.  It is God's gift.  Lutherans therefore emphasize that we can only respond to the gift.  We baptize people of all ages.

 Holy Communion

The Body and Blood of Christ are present in, with, and under the bread and wine.  We say that Christ is really present in the giving of himself.  Lutherans have varied practices on how frequently communion is offered.


Dialogue with God--it involves speaking and listening.  Prayer is personal, and also a part of the gathered community in worship.  It is direct conversation with God.


A sign that God's original purpose for creation is still being fulfilled.  But Christ's victory over death means that God's will has and will triumph.  Therefore, we have been promised that our relationship with God does not end in death.  No one can know how God will raise up God’s people.  But we do know that we have the promise of on-going life in God.


Each congregation has freedom in worship details.  Most Lutherans use a regular pattern for worship, including confession, hymns, scripture readings, sermon, offering, prayers, (communion).  The use of symbols (such as a cross, clergy robe and vestments--stole, altar hangings, banners, etc.) helps us recognize that God comes to us in more ways than just a sermon.  The purpose of worship is to help draw people close to God and to each other.  It is to be a joyful and meaningful expression of God's love. 


Lutherans have a wonderful tradition of reaching out to others in need.  Through giving of ourselves, we practice what God has already done in our lives and the world.  It feels good to serve.  Such service is not limited to serving in the church.  People serve others in community organizations and in the small ways they serve their neighbors.


Lutherans understand all of life to be a gift from God.  We feel grateful for what we have been given and what we have "earned".  We want to return thanks to God, as well as enable ministry in our midst.  Included in that thanksgiving is wanting to give time, talents, and money.  We do not go around saying what people "must" give.  But we do feel good sharing a vision of life that knows the joy of giving--our time, our talents, and our money.


            I firmly believe that being a part of a meaningful community helps me understand and deal with life.  It also is the location for sharing in the important days of life.  Most of all, I believe that the church is a place to which God calls us.  We need to experience and hear again and again that we are loved and forgiven, that we are important and can give of ourselves, that the doubts and questions as well as joys and assurances we have are vital to God and to each other.  The church on earth is a human vehicle to serve God.  It will have the same problems that all humans have.  But it is also the instrument God can use to inspire all of us to see God’s presence in our lives.  – Pastor Dave Hedlin (founding pastor)

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